I spent most of the morning at the hostel, doing some much needed admin on the computer. Emails to reply to; virus scans to run; blog updates. As I was sitting there, I did get the feeling that I was the most cheerful man in the hostel, as the other guests were crashing out on the sofa or their own bunks, frowning and not replying to my message of "Good Morning". Maybe it's just me.
I left the hostel and made way to breakfast at the 'Bake Shop'; a small little eaterie that I visited yesterday for dinner. It was on the way that I started to feel a little emotional; as if the whole scholarship had suddenly became reality. I've been away now for less than a week, but am still getting used to it like any traveller, and on the whole, it's all going great!
Breakfast was slightly special this morning; my very first American pancakes, with egg and bacon. With a hot chocolate, the whole meal went down a treat, and I'm sure I'll be going back there tomorrow. During breakfast, I got talking to a couple who had spent a night at the hostel I'm staying at. I caught 'Laura' as one of the names, and unfortunately didn't catch the second, but both were extremely nice. They come from Southern California and were suggesting loads of brilliant places to visit, and one of the things that I noticed was how proud they were of their own country. It's a rare thing these days to find people proud of the place they live in, but this made a welcomed change. Their off to Fiji to live soon; lucky people!
Onwards, towards the Ayleska Hotel and Tram, I came across a familiar name. Here it's just the name of a road; back home, it means quite a lot to me!
Inside the lobby, is a very large (possible life-size) model of a black bear. I noticed a man taking a photo for two ladies who desperately wanted a photo with both of them in it, and so I politely asked him if he would do the same for me. Luckily, he said yes!
I spent the remainder of the afternoon hiking; firstly taking a tram towards the top of the Chugach Mountains and I decided to do the trail that eases its way down the 2000ft mountain. What a trail! It offers great views, every minute, and also some great geography. A slate outcrop was the fist thing I noticed, and later a storm channel. The trail gives really good views of the surrounding town and the Turnagain Arm, and I think I may be right in saying that today was much clearer than yesterday which helped photo production. I met a lady on the way down who was holding some cow bells; a lot of hikers use these to alert bears of their presence. I, unfortunately didn't have them, but I think my singing was enough to make any bear run away!
Upon reaching base level, I made my way to the 'Bake Shop' again and was planning on a sandwich of some sort. I was eventually tempted into the 'Sweet Roll and Butter' which was much more interesting than it sounds! The main ingredients are cinammon, raspberry sauce and raisens. There comes that point when you know you can't eat anymore, and I'm afraid it happened to me!
Making my way back to the hostel, I discovered my phone wasn't in its usual place and so made a quick dash to the Hiking Day Centre Toilets, and after 2 hours of it being there by the sink, it was still there! I only assume that there weren't many male hikers today, or at least, male hikers who badly wanted a phone!
Back at the hostel, this evening, I've become acquainted with two new guests and it just so happened that they were staying at the Anchorage Hostel and was on the bike trail a couple of days ago! What a small world. Tonight has been quite a night; I've watched illegal drug dealing taking place and discovered the man who sleeps on the bunk above me was once in jail for 19 months! Whatever next?
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