The last couple of weeks has seen me taking a trip through some of the more popular towns and cities in Alaska, in what I called 'The Cultural Tour'. From exploring Alaska's most popular city, Anchorage, and hiking the mountains of Girdwood, to strolling across the beach in Seward and investigating the spit of Homer, I have already in two weeks got a glimpse of how varied Alaska is; it's physical geography, it's wildlife, and the people that live in harmony with their environment are all fascinating. I have only scraped a thin layer of Alaska's culture, I know, but that concludes my cultural tour. Between now and the 18th November, I am based in Fairbanks, where I will be seeing what an Alaskan winter is like both on people's lives and the environment. I will also be starting a project to explore the permafrost that Alaska is famous for, and as always, I will be updating you daily with what I've done and what I've found out.
We waited for what seemed hours, but actually only 15 minutes, and then I got a glimpse of a very faint green light, in the distance. Usually it would get much brighter, but unfortunately a low lying cloud prevented this, and I was unable to get a good photo. I have got plenty more opportunities, however!
After emerging from the duvet with little more than 6 hours sleep, I was immediately moved to my more permanent room; a lovely little room fitted with a bathroom and a kitchen. I'm only in it though until the 1st October, and then I have to move back to a bunk again.
Today I decided I would explore the city I will be calling 'home' for the next few months. It was a glorious day, sun shining, and one can really detect a sense of autumn here now; there is a cool breeze in the air and the foliage is turning crisp and golden. I proceeded first on College Road, and it seems to live up to its name, with services dedicated to university students: a bookshop, cheap food outlets, laundry facilties etc. From visiting one or two, I got the feeling these were being managed with the philosophy of 'Run BY the students, FOR the students' in mind. My quest to find somewhere to have breakfast ended when I eventually found the 'Sourdough Cafe'. I've had sourdough pancakes before, in Girdwood, but these were too sour for me, even when drenched in maple syrup; something I've become accustomed to I think.
I was perhaps a little too confident with my own instincts in trying to locate 'downtown' and I didn't hold a map, but time standing by roads looking at signs passed by, and I eventually gave in and got the map out. I wasn't too far out. As I headed further into what can be classed as the CBD, housing became noticeably more dense, and I managed to spot a cinema and a shopping mall, though not as grand as some I've seen. A newly built concrete retirement home on the edge of the city didn't fit in at all with the surrounding building materials, and I wondered just how accesible these storeys were to the aged.
Downtown Fairbanks was unusually quiet for one of Alaska's major cities, but numbers may be a reflection in the types of services the city provides. Tourists' needs seem to have been put behind the needs of the locals; there is a lack of gift shops and craft shops that I saw in Seward especially, and the types of restaurants available offer food that would be more suitable to a local population, not a visiting tour group. Passing by, from street to street, and it's hard to miss these decorated pipes. I asked a girl painting one what they were; apparently, Fairbanks city re-heats waste water and sends the heat underground through pipes, the excess gets pumped out the pipes. It's a great way of combating the problems associated with buiding on a periglacial landscape, with permafrost a major problem for building structure.
The walk back to the hostel was much longer than I expected, though I did prolong it a little by having to go shopping. I figure that I can make my own pancakes quite easily, and save $10 a day for a while. All the shops I tried I felt were like Macro- multipackets of everything, bulk items, and nothing on it's own. Lidl has the same problem, I feel. I finally managed to find the pancake powder and with the extra baggage, my long trek to the hostel was not as easy as I would have hoped. I did attempt a pancake or two when I arrived back- unfortunately, I don't seem to be able to prevent them burning! I do have some considerable time to practice though!
By the way, the UK is never far away, as I found out on my journey back to the hostel!
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