It feels great to be back in front of the keyboard, typing a blog post once again, as it's been quite some time since I last wrote on here. Not that my life nor this blog's for that matter has been in 'winter hibination'. The last seven weeks- and indeed, I suppose, since the beginning of this year- I have been filming nearly every weekend for the 'Difference with Dan'. I am genuinely overwhelmed at how successful it has become and also how many people who don't study Geography have invested time into it. If my statistics are correct, I have had viewings from outside the UK and thankyou very much to you if this is the case. I do appreciate your support and ask you to tell your friends! Geography is about sharing, after all!
I embark on a new project this coming Sunday. I am really looking forward to having my own online radio show, which will be on every Sunday from 8:00pm. If you've seen the trailer, you would know there's something for everyone, so even if you hate Geography, there will be something for you in there. Please do join me on Sunday (click on the link on the right hand column of this blog) and if you can't listen live, don't worry, as the programme will be available to be listened to again; once more, the link to the site is on the right!

This week has been more about meeting different people and whilst tonight's event with Michael Palin is still fresh in my mind, I will start with him. Michael Palin is without doubt a true geographer; he is so enthusiastic in the subject and I got the immediate impression that he believes travelling and exploration is critical! I agree. The event was held at the Norwich Cathedral 'Hostry'; a wonderful building that blends the historic with the contemporary, that works. A great venue that was definately worth the value of the guest speaker, Mr Palin. His talk was enriched with so many tales about his explorations and has- like all great speakers- made me want to do everything he's done. How great would it be to film around the world in 80 days! After all, it links two of my most favourite pastimes- travel and filming! There is so much I could say about this wonderful man, but of course you could find out for yourself. Michael is on the TV most weeks; more recently on his 'New Europe' series.
Although less well known, my second visit this week was to someone just as prestigious. Dr Julian Murton, who I met on Tuesday, teaches at University of Sussex and specialises in Permafrost. He is our country's IPA representative (International Permafrost Association) and so meeting him was an honour. I had a really good talk about permafrost and my scholarship, and most certainly hope to see him again one day. His understanding on Permafrost and Periglacial Environments is large but I was most impressed by his appreciation of me being someone from the next generation finding Permafrost interesting.
I have met two very influential people this week, and both have shaped my appreciation for Geography even more.
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